Protecting Your Financial Stability Through An Experienced New York Tax Defense Attorney
If the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), or any other tax authority, has contacted you, every move you make is critical. One misstep could cost you thousands of dollars and possibly subject you to criminal liability. An experienced tax attorney will help you make the right moves so you can overcome your tax-related challenges and move forward with your life.
Reputable, Respected Defense Is Crucial
Based in Manhattan, M. Bradford Randolph, Esq., PLLC, helps individuals and businesses under IRS or New York State scrutiny to mitigate their financial liabilities and avoid criminal prosecution.
We provide comprehensive tax defense to individuals and businesses facing a diverse range of tax controversies, including:
- Tax audits, including corporate tax audits
- Tax appeals, including representation in the U.S. Tax Court and other federal courts
- Tax collection actions, including tax liens and levies
- Offers in compromise
Dealing with the IRS and state tax authorities can be difficult and doing so on your own may expose you to additional liability. As an experienced tax attorney, Mr. Randolph acts as liaison between clients and the IRS to protect his clients against unnecessary intrusion and prevent further investigation into his clients’ financial affairs.
We Serve Clients With Criminal Tax Defense Needs
IRS investigations can result in criminal tax-related charges being brought against you. If you have been accused of tax fraud, accounting fraud, tax evasion or are the subject of an IRS criminal investigation, you need an experienced criminal tax defense attorney to protect your interests.
At the law office of M. Bradford Randolph, Esq., PLLC, we will stand up for your rights and do everything in our power to protect your freedom, your finances and your good name.
Manhattan tax defense attorney has more than 25 years of legal and tax experience. He knows what it takes to optimize the outcome of a criminal tax matter in federal court.
Arrange A Meeting With A Lawyer Today
Protect yourself and your business. Contact an experienced and knowledgeable tax attorney for help defending against IRS and state tax action. Call M. Bradford Randolph, Esq., PLLC, at 347-315-1648.